ill maybe post more about that later.. or maybe i wont. because what else is there to say? but for now.. ill just share with you some shit thats fuckin awesome.

dont be a loser. take the time to read this .. its the truest thing i have read in a long long time.
bob marley: athlete, musician, cunnilingus master? id bet money on it.

ive said this on more than several occasions in the past few months.
well its sunday. i debated on a hike after i worked the market.. decided to indulge in the rest of my roommates open bottle of wine instead. so what?
what the fuck? i hope that helicopter thats been circling for ten minutes gets that guy.. hes probably hiding in my backyard right now.
oh well..who cares?

dear terry richardson: i dont care that you are obsessed with your penis. if i had a penis that large i would be obsessed with it too. i dont even care that a model came forward saying you insisted she should take her tampon out and use it like a teabag for a photo shoot because it would be artsy.. i still think you rule and i would totally pose nude for you. but i wouldnt touch that dick with a ten foot pole.
dita von teese is fuckin all the way awesome.
i dont give a shit how strange and scary his character was in No Country For Old Men. id bang javier in half a heartbeat.
ontheotherhand..some shit thats not awesome....

so its just came out that this mother fucker has been allegedly cheating on his wife with some gross chick. ( i didnt call her a whore, but i can say shes gross) am i surprised? yes. do i care? yes. why???? i dont fucking know. i guess i feel bad for a woman who has worked really hard to win an oscar (she probably didnt deserve but who cares) and she made their love so PUBLIC.. and now shes probably getting an HIV test and eating air for dinner, sick as a dog with grief. makes me feel safe to be alone i guess....and im sick of hearing about dudes letting their massive egos contribute to the downfall of their relationships. then again, this is hollywood, where everyone is more or less a creep so who really cares????
ok sorry back to shit thats fuckin awesome..

frida kahlo is a badass bitch and an artist i like. great movie too..

ive been playing this little gem in the car lately too. a favorite of mine in middle school i would wear red lipstick and play a guitar in the mirror while this cd played. yeah courtney love is crazy. but i guess im loyal, what can i say?
WOW! so i just did my "review" of the shit i have just written over the past twenty minutes.. and i dont know whats going on.. but im just feeling sassy today maybe. hahahha maybe its the wine.. maybe its the Lady GaGa.. or maybe im just not censoring myself ..and im not so serious.. i like writing blogs that are really heartfelt and thought provoking and meaningful with all these words words words.. but right now.. images and shit that i think is fuckin awesome is more important to me than past regrets i cant let go of or worries i have about the future or shit i said that i wish i didnt. sometimes its just nice to look. and laugh. and love.