my 6:45pm purchase...don't be jealous...
Today i was busy as fuck at work. but i liked it...and i think i did a pretty good job!! i'm pretty stoked to be able to have a job where i can work hard, learn new things, and feel like i'm actually making a contribution to a production that involves more than getting someones non-fat latte or fucking salad with dressing on the side no onion add cucumber.. ya know? anyway, i skipped the gym today. i think your'e supposed to take a day off from working out, right?!?!?! plus i'm really sore from lifting weights (don't laugh asshole) on Sunday morning and from swinging on a stripper pole while waiting for the bathroom at a party on Sunday afternoon. Shit is harder than it looks!!!!!!!!
All is well in my world today. Everything is as it should be.
This Coors Original beer, "the banquet beer" if you will, is delicious and i will sleep like a baby tonight. Big day tomorrow!!!!