Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale~Buddha approved!
California plates? Check.
New glasses? Check.
Hair cut? Check.
Window fixed in bedroom? Check mutha fuckin check.
To do: new mattress, make awesome slide show for family reunion, lose ten pounds, figure out meaning of life, etc.
"What are you up to?" "Jack shit.Watching football.Planning my future." "Nice, dude."
Today I saw a photo tagged of me on FB from 2002. Man I looked young! Also, it made me realize that I really thought I knew what life was about then. I mean, I did in a way. It was day to day. looking at that girl with the long blonde hair, holding her then boyfriends hand, I kinda of shook my head. "Girl, your life is going to CHANGE in ways you could not imagine." Good change of course, life shit, etc. Exciting things, growth.... but I looked at that picture knowing now what I didn't know then. I thought of pain and hurt, hurting others, losing loves that seemed somehow destined to end tragically anyway..."star crossed" I once said..I thought of my old loves.....

Remember when we had a date on the runway? Eating chinese food and watching the planes land? I re-read your love letters the last time I was in Michigan and hate to say that I had forgotten how sweet and romantic you were... and how crazy we were about each other.. Thank you for this. and also for taking me flying...

and thank you, too. but man! this end was messy and I've tried my best over the years to make amends...lots of love, good food, good music, and poetry (fuckin hippies..gotta love it) during this time. And far too much weed. Way too much....
He trips her as
Her sandals fail
She says stop!
I'm a girl... Whose fingernails are made
Of mother's pearl...
Yellow buttercup
Helicopters Orange buttercat
Chasing after The crazy bee Mad about somebody...
Me and my girlfriend
Don't wear no shoes
Her nose is painted pepper Sunlight...
She loves me
I mean it's serious
As serious can be...
Then there's you.....(the unknown pain!)

"Waiting for a bottle of truth..I'm just a lonely guy in my youth......"

Morbid? HAHAHHAHAH.....Nah...well?.....
Man I miss those laughs more than anything....
He told me "nothing from the past changes.."
And so I thank you, then..for allowing me to be ALL OF ME!
Ticking of the clock....and then....

......Even though you never really loved me...i came away from you loving myself more than I ever have..... so thanks to you, too....
What do you mean nature abhors a vacuum?
....well.....empty spaces are unnatural, voids are destined to be filled....
(yes both the latent and manifest meanings apply here assholes..)
Yay! October is here! I am happy! I hope (all four of) you are too....
Goodnight from old me young me past me future me unborn me..the me that's looking back on me.wait, huh?