i love when he sings "i woke up on the roadside daydreaming about the way things sometimes AAARREEEE visions of your chestnut mare shoot through my head and are making me see STAAAARS!"
(And then for desert a small drunken tangent. with a place setting and everything! amen.)

i dont know if you will get this, but i had to send it out there..i went home tonight with a faint smell of you on me, with a vague memory of your voice and a fleeting image of your face. but it left me wanting more. exciting me inviting me whispering to me "come. here." i saw you. and then you were gone. where are you? who are you and where do you want to go? what do you want to make? lets drink wine and talk all night like we never did but always have. like you were always here but always a stranger. ah. i feel better even if you never get this because these are my lips to you my fingers for you to take off your clothes your hat your beard you hands. take them off and be in the quiet in the still in the echo of our memory our ever our always our never. our possible. goodnight and goodday my friend my stranger my passerby. goodnight my mystery goodnight my moon.