Follow the phosphorescent freckles
like a lillypad lake
Become the skin youre in
only to be torn from
that which you knew
and you knew
knew you
You listen to that tune
but you cant name it
His whistle defies your memory
Tilt your head back-
There you go Jane
Its the whistle of the train
Its coming your way
but wait
Its approximately
half past too late
and a quarter to never
You missed that train
you were already on it
Now youre writing in the dark
in the sky
on a plane
with a wing and a prayer to save you

Follow those blue eyes
and see what they see
You dont have to look
because where they are
it burns
Embers aching to be loved
with sageisms
stung by the bee that invited itself in
You didnt even see it
Its mark on you reluctant to disappear
Come back
Come forward
Come out come out wherever you are
But again
you see
the tracks have that old blood on them
From when you were 15
with a bleeding heart
Rich with iron
and irony
At the station where you started
look at those rusty tracks
that took the train away
now about a quarter after
but whos counting
Youre still there
with your little thoughts
and the bees
and the freckles
and the quiet stillness of flight
Just like you promised you wanted
Still trying to name that tune
So familiar
yet youve never even heard it
Where those tracks venture
youve never even been
and sadly
you know
youll go there
The suitcase
The woman
The image gets smaller
The waving handkerchief of surrender
to the inevitable goodbye
Wont you
see me?