Key To The Highway
I remember riding somewhere in a fast car
with my brother and his friend Jack Brooks
and we were listening to Layla & Other Love Songs
by Derek & the Dominos. The night was dark,
dark all along the highway. Jack Brooks was
a pretty funny guy, and I was delighted
by the comradely interplay between him and my brother,
but I tried not to show it for fear of inhibiting them.
I tried to be reserved and maintain a certain
dignity appropriate to my age, older by four years.
They knew the Dominos album well having played the cassette
many times, and they knew how much they liked it.
As we rode on in the dark I felt the music was,
after all, wonderful, and I said so
with as much dignity as possible. "That's right,"
said my brother. "You're getting smarter," said Jack.
We were listening to "Bell Bottom Blues"
at that moment. Later we were listening to
"Key to the Highway", and I remembered how
my brother said, "Yeah, yeah." And Jack sang
one of the lines in a way that made me laugh.
I am upset by the fact that that night is so absolutely gone.
No, "upset" is too strong. Or is it.
But that night is so obscure—until now
I may not have thought of that ride once
in eight years—and this obscurity troubles me.
Death is going to defeat us all so easily.
Jack Brooks is in Florida, I believe,
and I may never see him again, which is
more or less all right with me; he and my brother
lost touch some years ago. I wonder
where we were going that night. I don't know;
but it seemed as if we had the key to the highway.
~Mark Halliday
{Most things that are so dear to us precious to us are in fact fleeting...moments of joy, pangs of love, meandering car rides, youth in general. more often than not, if we are still and are so inclined to be aware, we can usually FEEL it and know it in our bones, slow motion like, that we will remember and recall these passing moments of our life for ages to come. and how often is it that music is involved, providing the proverbial soundtrack... you hear the song years later and are brought back to that moment in an instant. i think of these times in my life and the music that carried itself along the ride with me.... and i know i have loved them all. like when we painted my moms basement and listened to Outkast"s "The Love Below" all afternoon, or when we rode back from the beach listening to Damian Marley's "Halfway Tree" and i pretended to be asleep in the back, a fly on the wall, dancing in my kitchen in oregon to Sublime with three girls i will never see again, those feelings those songs those times all gone and all the while right here }