1. those who think its inappropriate to post such remarks on the date of September 11th
2. those who find the topic of sexual harassment (and more specifically the Supreme Court hearing of the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas case) to be a serious matter and not something to make fun of
3. those who do not drink alcohol or agree with the statement that "wine rules"
4. those who prefer to use "LOL" over "HAHAH"
5. those who do not find it funny or fun that i repeatedly refer to anyone reading this as an "asshole"
6. those who actually hung out with me last night and refrained from kicking me in the shin
(i almost deleted it, but self censorship is so passe...please try not to judge me)

Remember when Anita Hill said that Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her when he asked her "who put a pubic hair on my Coke can?" (among other things)
Maybe im just drunk but dont you think that's KIND of funny? (its NOT funny assholes!) i mean what the fuck was he thinking?!!
HAHHAHAHA oh man.. (it kind of is funny right now even though i said im a feminist)
im at my friends house, listening to music and drinking wine and maybe should NOT be on the computer but fuck it... theres a bunch i want to say.. like how its FALL ... ok i wil save this shit for when I AM not drunk.. hahahhah i am listening to my friends do dishes.... i love them.
i will report back when i dont have to make so many corrections. i love you all . peace. fuck yall. wine rules. HAHHAHA oh man.......they are asking me what i am doing and i said "shut up"
thats not nice. HAHHAH ok enough laughing. Im drunk assholes.
(ps i was laughing to myself and i was told to quiet down... its not even that late.. but maybe i should.... HHAHAH life is good...)