courtesy of NASA
i have looked at so many images of the fires that are blazing out of control here...isnt it amazing that something so destructive and unforgiving can also be beautiful and breathtaking?
i considered taking that picture down that i posted last night with Stage 28 behind me. i dont know why. i figured if it had anything to do with vanity, which im not sure that it does, that i should in fact leave it up. so it stays. i think its the look in my eyes. i now think that its funny for some reason. in fact, im laughing and i dont know why. guess thats not a bad thing, huh?
think ill head out of town this weekend.......
maybe ill start to write more..
i need to read a new novel...
im pissed at my landlord...
whats that smell?
do i need to get my oil changed?
i need new glasses.. maybe ill go on friday..
im happy RV has a boyfriend...
im happy that CK might not.....
am i getting wrinkles?
whats wrong with this picture?
what should i have for breakfast?
what should i have for dinner?
i forgot to call DP back...like two weeks ago.
ive been in the bad habit of starting to write a post on here, then not finishing it, with the intention of coming back to it.. but by the time i do, im over it.. perhaps i should just post as is?
perhaps i can do what the Beatles did with the song Happiness is a Warm Gun... its quite possibly my most favorite Beatles song....maybe you want to listen to it.?